Permpanich Piyanuj

Department of Restorative and Periodontology, Faculty of Dentistry, Chiang Mai University, Thailand

The Comparison of Degradation Time, Weight Loss and Surface Fibrin Structure Between Gauze-Compression and Heat-Compression Platelet-Rich Fibrin Membrane

Natthakun Charanthanyakun, Kathawut Tachasuttirut, Piyanuj Permpanich, Sahatut Kaewkumnert, Warit Powcharoen

The Role of the Immune Response in Periodontal Diseases

Piyanuj Permpanich

The Effectiveness of Calculus Removal on Root Surfaces Instrumented with Three Ultrasonic Tips and a Hand Scaler, A Comparative in vitro Study

Mintra Nakthron, Piyanuj Permpanich, Supatra Sang-in, Nitaya Jotikasthira

The Comparative Study of the Mouse Osteoblast Response to Two Different Platelet-rich Fibrins with Low Speed Centrifugation Concept

Patthapong Domprapagon, Kathawut Tachasuttirut, Piyanuj Permpanich

Droplet Spread Pattern Produced by Magnetostrictive Scaling with and without a High-volume Evacuator

Charin Rakpraisan, Nutcha Suksansirikul, Thonthan Phanthupal, Neatitham Chamnan, Piyanuj Permpanich, Teerat Sawangpanyangkura