Dental Erosion Among Swimming Athletes and Related Factors: A Study in Amphur Muang, Chaing Mai

Objectives: To investigate dental erosion among swimming athletes, the pH value of pool water and related factors affecting dental erosion.

Methods: Four swimming pools in Amphur Muang, Chiang Mai, were purposively selected for this study. There were one hundred and nine swimming athletes aged 10-25 years old. Samples were examined to detect dental erosion and were interviewed regarding their swimming practices and other related factors that cause dental erosion. The water samples were analyzed for pH value.

Results: Dental erosion was found in 100% of swimming athletes. The mean dental erosion index score was 1.08±0.29. Two pools had mean water pH values of 3.26±0.12 and 6.24±0.42, respectively, which was lower than the standard pH interval of pool water recommended by the Ministry of Public Health. Statistically significant differences in mean dental erosion index scores were found in relation to the pH of the pool water, swimming hours per day and length of time they had been swimming athletes (p < 0.05).

Conclusions: Dental erosion was found in 100% of the swimming athletes in this study.

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Tuongrattanapan S, Homnan J, Pakdee P, Chatchawanpan C, Jantawuttikul A. Dental Erosion Among Swimming Athletes and Related Factors: A Study in Amphur Muang, Chaing Mai: Original articles. CM Dent J [Internet]. 2024 Dec 04 [cited 2025 Feb 15];32(2):103-112. Available from:

Tuongrattanapan, S., Homnan, J., Pakdee, P., Chatchawanpan, C. & Jantawuttikul, A. (2024). Dental Erosion Among Swimming Athletes and Related Factors: A Study in Amphur Muang, Chaing Mai. CM Dent J, 32(2), 103-112. Retrieved from:

Tuongrattanapan, S., Janjira Homnan,Phruttipong Pakdee,Charamporn Chatchawanpan and Anusorn Jantawuttikul. 2024. "Dental Erosion Among Swimming Athletes and Related Factors: A Study in Amphur Muang, Chaing Mai." CM Dent J, 32(2), 103-112.

Tuongrattanapan, S. et al. 2024. 'Dental Erosion Among Swimming Athletes and Related Factors: A Study in Amphur Muang, Chaing Mai', CM Dent J, 32(2), 103-112. Retrieved from

Tuongrattanapan, S., Homnan, J., Pakdee, P., Chatchawanpan, C. and Jantawuttikul, A. "Dental Erosion Among Swimming Athletes and Related Factors: A Study in Amphur Muang, Chaing Mai", CM Dent J, vol.32, no. 2, pp. 103-112, Dec. 2024.

Tuongrattanapan, S., Homnan, J., Pakdee, P., et al. "Dental Erosion Among Swimming Athletes and Related Factors: A Study in Amphur Muang, Chaing Mai." CM Dent J, vol.32, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 103-112,