The Use of Immediate-load Mini Dental Implant to Retain Mandibular Distal-extension Removable Partial Denture: A Preliminary Prospective Clinical Study Results

Background: The most frequent complications of distal extension mandibular removable partial dentures are loss of retention and irritation or ulceration. Other problems are unesthetic retentive clasps and discomfort when chewing. The resiliency of soft tissue can cause the rotational movement of the dentures. Long-term use

can result in ill-fitting prostheses and pain due to edentulous ridge resorption. Many authors have published case reports on the use of dental implants to support distal extension removable partial dentures, with high patient satisfaction. However, many patients who need partial dentures have limited bone support in which to place conventional-size dental implants and cannot wait three to four months for osseointegration. There are few randomized clinical studies of immediate implant-retained removable partial dentures.

Aim: To evaluate the clinical outcomes of using immediate-loaded mini dental implants with Equator® attachments when used to retain mandibular Kennedy Class I removable partial dentures.

Materials and methods: fifteen patients with mandibular Kennedy Class I removable partial dentures were recruited as participants. All participants received a full oral examination and completed a “patient satisfaction” questionnaire before treatment. Mini dental implants diameter 3.0 mm length 10 mm were placed at the mandibular first molar area on both sides using a flapless surgical technique. The removable partial dentures were connected immediately to the implants with an Equator® attachment (Insertion torque > 35 Ncm). Patients were recalled on the postoperative day as well as at one, four and eight weeks, three and six months after surgery. Outcome measures included changes in radiological peri-implant bone level and patient satisfaction were recorded. Data were analyzed using the Paired t-test (P=0.05).

Results: Two implants from 30 implants failed to osseointegrate (6.7%). After six months mean radiographic bone loss was 0.48 ± 0.31mm. Patient satisfaction showed significant improvement after treatment in all aspect. The success rate of mini dental implant was 93.3%.

Conclusions: Mini dental implant-retained removable partial dentures can improve patient satisfaction. Immediate-loaded mini dental implants can be used successfully to retain mandibular Kennedy Class I removable partial under specific conditions and precaution.

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Threeburuth W, Aunmeungtong W, Khongkhunthian P. The Use of Immediate-load Mini Dental Implant to Retain Mandibular Distal-extension Removable Partial Denture: A Preliminary Prospective Clinical Study Results: Original articles. CM Dent J [Internet]. 2017 May 01 [cited 2025 Feb 08];38(2):75-85. Available from:

Threeburuth, W., Aunmeungtong, W. & Khongkhunthian, P. (2017). The Use of Immediate-load Mini Dental Implant to Retain Mandibular Distal-extension Removable Partial Denture: A Preliminary Prospective Clinical Study Results. CM Dent J, 38(2), 75-85. Retrieved from:

Threeburuth, W., Weerapan Aunmeungtong and Pathawee Khongkhunthian. 2017. "The Use of Immediate-load Mini Dental Implant to Retain Mandibular Distal-extension Removable Partial Denture: A Preliminary Prospective Clinical Study Results." CM Dent J, 38(2), 75-85.

Threeburuth, W. et al. 2017. 'The Use of Immediate-load Mini Dental Implant to Retain Mandibular Distal-extension Removable Partial Denture: A Preliminary Prospective Clinical Study Results', CM Dent J, 38(2), 75-85. Retrieved from

Threeburuth, W., Aunmeungtong, W. and Khongkhunthian, P. "The Use of Immediate-load Mini Dental Implant to Retain Mandibular Distal-extension Removable Partial Denture: A Preliminary Prospective Clinical Study Results", CM Dent J, vol.38, no. 2, pp. 75-85, May. 2017.

Waruth Threeburuth, Weerapan Aunmeungtong, Pathawee Khongkhunthian "The Use of Immediate-load Mini Dental Implant to Retain Mandibular Distal-extension Removable Partial Denture: A Preliminary Prospective Clinical Study Results." CM Dent J, vol.38, no. 2, May. 2017, pp. 75-85,