Adhesive Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Root Canal Dentin
This study compared shear bond strength between root canal dentin and a variety of resin cements: two self-adhesive (Rely X™ U100, Multilink® Sprint), one with self-etch system (Panavia® F 2.0) and one with total-etch system (Variolink® II with 3 step). Forty single-canal premolars each provided two pieces of 2 mmthick disk-shaped samples. Peeso reamers No. 4 were used to prepare all canal surfaces. The specimens were randomly divided into four groups of twenty (n=20), and filled with one of the four resin cements and then stored in distilled water for 24 hours at 37°C. Shear bond strengths were measured with an Instron testing machine and data analyzed by one-way ANOVA (p<0.05) and Tukey Multiple Comparison Test. The adhesive interface between resin cement and dentin was also examined with a SEM. The mean shear bond strengths of the total-etch and selfetch cements were found to be significantly higher than those of the self-adhesives (p<0.05), and Rely X™ U100 bonds were significantly stronger than those of Multilink® Sprint. SEM micrographs of the interfaces between dentin and total-etch and self-etch cements revealed that a hybrid layer and resin tags were formed, with no gap between the cements and intraradicular dentin. However, in the self-adhesive specimens there was no hybrid layer or resin tags, and gaps were present in the adhesive interface area. Both shear bond strength measurements and microscope findings indicate that the bonding potential of self-adhesive resin cements is lower than the alternatives.
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