Effect of Adhesive Primers on Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Ni-Cr Casting Alloy

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of four primers, i.e., METAFAST (MF), Cesead II Opaque Primer (CP II) METAL PRIMER II (MP II), and ALLOY PRIMER (AP), on the shear bond strength between two resin cements, Panavia F (PF) and Superbond C&B (SB), and Nickel-chromium (Ni-Cr) casting alloys. Two sizes of cylinder specimens (φ7x2, φ9x2 mm, 100 pairs each) were cast. They were bonded with ten combinations of four adhesive primers and two resin cements. Then they were stored in a 37±2°C waterbath for 24 hrs, and subjected to the shear bond test using universal testing machine (Instron®). Results showed the group that used PF with CP II and also demonstrated a significant difference compared to those without primer (NP). The ones using SB with MF exhibited the greatest mean shear bond strength but no significant difference was found when compared with no primer. Conclusion of this study showed the use of CP II for bond between Ni-Cr casting alloy and PF resulted in a high bond strength. SB group was not necessary to use adhesive primer

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Sirimongkolwattana S, Boonsir I. Effect of Adhesive Primers on Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Ni-Cr Casting Alloy: Original articles. CM Dent J [Internet]. 2024 Dec 06 [cited 2025 Feb 15];30(2):67-73. Available from: https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=391

Sirimongkolwattana, S. & Boonsir, I. (2024). Effect of Adhesive Primers on Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Ni-Cr Casting Alloy. CM Dent J, 30(2), 67-73. Retrieved from: https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=391

Sirimongkolwattana, S., and Issarawan Boonsir. 2024. "Effect of Adhesive Primers on Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Ni-Cr Casting Alloy." CM Dent J, 30(2), 67-73. https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=391

Sirimongkolwattana, S. et al. 2024. 'Effect of Adhesive Primers on Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Ni-Cr Casting Alloy', CM Dent J, 30(2), 67-73. Retrieved from https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=391

Sirimongkolwattana, S. and Boonsir, I. "Effect of Adhesive Primers on Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Ni-Cr Casting Alloy", CM Dent J, vol.30, no. 2, pp. 67-73, Dec. 2024.

Siripong Sirimongkolwattana, Issarawan Boonsir "Effect of Adhesive Primers on Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Ni-Cr Casting Alloy." CM Dent J, vol.30, no. 2, Dec. 2024, pp. 67-73, https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=391