The Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Coronal Dentin

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mean shear bond strength between 3 systems of resin cements (total etch, self etch, self adhesive) and coronal dentin. The crowns of 40 extracted premolars were split longitudinally in buccolingual direction, and then split in mesiodistal direction (from DEJ 1 mm). The crowns were mounted in aluminum ring with self cure acrylic resin. Specimens were wet abraded with 600-grit SiC paper and randomly divided into 4 groups (n=20). Eighty cylinders were made with Filtex® Z350 composite resin (Ø 2 mm., 3 mm. in thickness). Composite resin specimens were bonded with dentin specimens by using either resin cement Variolink® II (Group1), Panavia™ F2.0 (Group2), RelyX™ U100 (Group 3), and Multilink® sprint (Group 4) strictly following manufacturer’s instructions. The specimens were stored in water at 37±2°C for 24 hours. The specimens were tested to failure by a Instron® universal testing machine at a crosshead speed of 0.5 mm./min. Shear bond strength data (MPa) were analyzed with one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s multiple comparison test (p<.05) Results showed the mean shear bond strength (MPa) were: Group 1 19.71±4.60, Group 2 17.36±5.42, Group 3 5.03±0.91; Group4 2.85±0.93. Group1 and 2 resulted statistically no significant difference was found (p>0.05) but higher mean shear bond strengths (p<0.05) than group 3 and 4. Conclusion of this study was the means shear bond strength between resin cements and coronal dentins of group 1 and 2 were higher significant difference than group 3 and 4.

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Im-udom P, Sirimongkolwattana S, Adchariyapitak N. The Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Coronal Dentin: Original articles. CM Dent J [Internet]. 2024 Dec 06 [cited 2025 Feb 15];31(1):77-84. Available from:

Im-udom, P., Sirimongkolwattana, S. & Adchariyapitak, N. (2024). The Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Coronal Dentin. CM Dent J, 31(1), 77-84. Retrieved from:

Im-udom, P., Siripong Sirimongkolwattana and Napaporn Adchariyapitak. 2024. "The Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Coronal Dentin." CM Dent J, 31(1), 77-84.

Im-udom, P. et al. 2024. 'The Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Coronal Dentin', CM Dent J, 31(1), 77-84. Retrieved from

Im-udom, P., Sirimongkolwattana, S. and Adchariyapitak, N. "The Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Coronal Dentin", CM Dent J, vol.31, no. 1, pp. 77-84, Dec. 2024.

Pajaree Im-udom, Siripong Sirimongkolwattana, Napaporn Adchariyapitak "The Shear Bond Strength between Resin Cements and Coronal Dentin." CM Dent J, vol.31, no. 1, Dec. 2024, pp. 77-84,