Preventive dentistry is a constantly changing and developing field: As new research emerges, some practices that had once been revolutionary are abandoned, while others continue to withstand the test of time. This book discusses new developments and innovations in preventive dentistry, from primary prevention to secondary prevention by inactivating initial lesions, and on to tertiary prevention to avoid subsequent progression and complications of manifest oral disease. The book relies on a solid evidence base and instructs readers how this can be translated into clinical dental practice—what changes should be made to how we practice and why they should be made. Topics include caries and periodontal disease, orthodontic problems, diagnostic approaches, diet and oral health, oral hygiene, oral disease patterns, caries treatment, fluoride guidelines, risk management, sealants, and probiotics. This book was written for everyone interested or involved in dentistry, including students, the whole dental practice team, educators, health scientists, and even policy makers who want to gain insight into these up-to-date clinical practices and future developments. The broad spectrum of topics is elucidated for the most relevant dental problems from early childhood to seniors to implement preventively oriented dental practice.

Innovations in preventive dentistry
Christian Splieth editor
RK 60.7 I58 2021
November 19, 2021