Library Hours

Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:30pm
(Mon-Fri 8:30am-8:30pm 1 month before final exam)
(Sat-Sun 10:00am-6:00pm 1 month before final exam) Closed on Public Holidays


Showing 1-20 of 373 items.
#Cover ImageTitleYear Published
1Aligner Orthodontics : Diagnostics, Biomechanics, Planning and Treatment2015
2McDonald and Avery's Dentistry for the Child and Adolescent, 10e2016
3Horizontal Alveolar Ridge Augmentation in Implant Dentistry : A Surgical Manual2016
4Vertical Augmentation of the Alveolar Ridge in Implant Dentistry2016
5Cone Beam Computed Tomography: Oral and Maxillofacial Diagnosis and Applications2013
6Dental Radiography: Principles and Techniques, 5e2016
7Removable Partial Dentures: A Practitioners' Manual2015
8Dental public health & research : contemporary practice for the dental hygienist 2017
9Practical periodontics2015
10Oral and maxillofacial medicine : the basis of diagnosis and treatment2013
11Handbook of orthodontics2010
12Health promotion : planning & strategies2015
13Fundamentals of periodontal instrumentation & advanced root instrumentation2017
14Implant prosthodontics : a patient-oriented concept : planning, treatment procedures, longevity, esthetics, function, dental technology2016
15Dental erosion and its clinical management2017
16Planning and care for children and adolescents with dental enamel defects : etiology, research and contemporary management 2015
17Implant therapy : the integrated treatment plan2017
18Understanding dental caries : from pathogenesis to prevention and therapy2016
19Handbook of research on computerized occlusal analysis technology applications in dental medicine2015
20Medical Anthropology (Understanding Public Health)2005