Factors Influencing the Protective Effect of Salivary Pellicle Against Dental Erosion: A Concise Review

Dental erosion is the irreversible loss of dental hard tissue caused by chemical processes without bacteria involvement. Dental erosion prevalence has increased due to extensive consumption of acidic foods and drinks or suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. Salivary pellicle acts as a physical barrier that impedes direct contact between the tooth surface and erosive acids. Furthermore, it is a selectively permeable membrane that controls the diffusion of erosive acids to the tooth surface. Therefore, salivary pellicle can protect the tooth surface from erosive demineralization. The protective effect of salivary pellicle depends on the intraoral location, tooth substrate, thickness, formation time, composition, the pH level of erosive acids, and exposure time. This concise review aimed to provide an overview on factors influencing the protective effect of salivary pellicle against dental erosion.

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Chawhuaveang D, Klaisiri A, Krajangta N, Yu O. Factors Influencing the Protective Effect of Salivary Pellicle Against Dental Erosion: A Concise Review: Review articles. CM Dent J [Internet]. 2024 Nov 15 [cited 2025 Feb 15];45(3):39-44. Available from: https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=225

Chawhuaveang, D., Klaisiri, A., Krajangta, N. & Yu, O. (2024). Factors Influencing the Protective Effect of Salivary Pellicle Against Dental Erosion: A Concise Review. CM Dent J, 45(3), 39-44. Retrieved from: https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=225

Chawhuaveang, D., Awiruth Klaisiri,Nantawan Krajangta and Ollie Yiru Yu. 2024. "Factors Influencing the Protective Effect of Salivary Pellicle Against Dental Erosion: A Concise Review." CM Dent J, 45(3), 39-44. https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=225

Chawhuaveang, D. et al. 2024. 'Factors Influencing the Protective Effect of Salivary Pellicle Against Dental Erosion: A Concise Review', CM Dent J, 45(3), 39-44. Retrieved from https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=225

Chawhuaveang, D., Klaisiri, A., Krajangta, N. and Yu, O. "Factors Influencing the Protective Effect of Salivary Pellicle Against Dental Erosion: A Concise Review", CM Dent J, vol.45, no. 3, pp. 39-44, Nov. 2024.

Chawhuaveang, D., Klaisiri, A., Krajangta, N., et al. "Factors Influencing the Protective Effect of Salivary Pellicle Against Dental Erosion: A Concise Review." CM Dent J, vol.45, no. 3, Nov. 2024, pp. 39-44, https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=225