Ultrasonic Post-polymerization and Surface Treatments Increased the Flexural Strength of Denture Base Reline with Hard Lining Material

Objectives: To evaluate the effect of ultrasonic post-polymerization and chemical surface treatment on the flexural strength of relined denture base.

Methods: Ninety heat-polymerized acrylic resin blocks (64x10x2 mm) were randomly divided into three groups by chemical surface treatments before relining; no treatment (N), applied with methyl methacrylate for180 seconds (MMA), and applied with methyl formate: methyl acetate (25:75% v/v (MF-MA)) for15 seconds. The samples were relined with auto-polymerized acrylic resin. Each relined sample was 64x10x3.3 mm. The relined groups were divided to three subgroups based on post-polymerization method: no post-polymerization (X), ultrasonic treatment in water (W), and ultrasonic treatment in 30% ethanol (E). The ultrasonic water bath was set at 40 kHz, 50°C, for 5 minutes. The samples were polished and stored in 37±2°C distilled water for 48±2 hours before undergoing a three-point bending test. The results were analyzed using two-way and one-way ANOVA.

Results: There was no interaction between ultrasonic treatment and chemical surface treatment. In each surface treatment group, W groups demonstrated a significantly higher flexural strength than X groups (p<0.05). E groups had a significantly higher flexural strength than W groups (p<0.05). In the same post-polymerization groups, N groups presented a significantly lower flexural strength than the MMA and MF-MA groups (p<0.05). The MMA and MF-MA groups were not significantly different (p>0.05).

Conclusions: ultrasonic treatment increased the flexural strength of relined denture base. MMA and MF-MA treatment increased the flexural strength of relined denture base.

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Arunwichit T, Wiwatwarrapan C. Ultrasonic Post-polymerization and Surface Treatments Increased the Flexural Strength of Denture Base Reline with Hard Lining Material: Original articles. CM Dent J [Internet]. 2022 May 30 [cited 2025 Feb 15];43(2):42-49*. Available from: https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=169

Arunwichit, T. & Wiwatwarrapan, C. (2022). Ultrasonic Post-polymerization and Surface Treatments Increased the Flexural Strength of Denture Base Reline with Hard Lining Material. CM Dent J, 43(2), 42-49*. Retrieved from: https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=169

Arunwichit, T., and Chairat Wiwatwarrapan. 2022. "Ultrasonic Post-polymerization and Surface Treatments Increased the Flexural Strength of Denture Base Reline with Hard Lining Material." CM Dent J, 43(2), 42-49*. https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=169

Arunwichit, T. et al. 2022. 'Ultrasonic Post-polymerization and Surface Treatments Increased the Flexural Strength of Denture Base Reline with Hard Lining Material', CM Dent J, 43(2), 42-49*. Retrieved from https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=169

Arunwichit, T. and Wiwatwarrapan, C. "Ultrasonic Post-polymerization and Surface Treatments Increased the Flexural Strength of Denture Base Reline with Hard Lining Material", CM Dent J, vol.43, no. 2, pp. 42-49*, May. 2022.

Tithiphorn Arunwichit, Chairat Wiwatwarrapan "Ultrasonic Post-polymerization and Surface Treatments Increased the Flexural Strength of Denture Base Reline with Hard Lining Material." CM Dent J, vol.43, no. 2, May. 2022, pp. 42-49*, https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=169