Accidental Ingestion or Aspiration of Foreign Body in Dental Treatment: Review of Literature and Case Reports

The incidence of accidental ingestion or aspiration of foreign bodies in dental treatment is relatively low. However, both foreign body ingestion and aspiration can lead to serious complications, including death of the patient, especially in the case of foreign body aspiration. Guidelines for the management of these accidents are based on patient symptoms and the location, size and shape of the foreign bodies. Foreign body ingestion and aspiration are preventable, so strict preventive measures should be taken by every dental professionals. Moreover, dental professionals should be competent in providing proper and timely management of the emergency situations, in which patients accidentally aspirate or swallow foreign bodies during dental treatment. This article reviews the incidence, risk factors, pathophysiology, signs and symptoms of, management protocols for, and preventive measures against the accidental ingestion and aspiration of foreign bodies in dental practice. Moreover, three cases of patients accidentally swallowing foreign bodies in dental treatment are presented with three different management modalities.

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Suninhong P, Manmontri C. Accidental Ingestion or Aspiration of Foreign Body in Dental Treatment: Review of Literature and Case Reports: Review articles. CM Dent J [Internet]. 2017 Sep 01 [cited 2025 Feb 08];38(3):29-46. Available from:

Suninhong, P. & Manmontri, C. (2017). Accidental Ingestion or Aspiration of Foreign Body in Dental Treatment: Review of Literature and Case Reports. CM Dent J, 38(3), 29-46. Retrieved from:

Suninhong, P., and Chanika Manmontri. 2017. "Accidental Ingestion or Aspiration of Foreign Body in Dental Treatment: Review of Literature and Case Reports." CM Dent J, 38(3), 29-46.

Suninhong, P. et al. 2017. 'Accidental Ingestion or Aspiration of Foreign Body in Dental Treatment: Review of Literature and Case Reports', CM Dent J, 38(3), 29-46. Retrieved from

Suninhong, P. and Manmontri, C. "Accidental Ingestion or Aspiration of Foreign Body in Dental Treatment: Review of Literature and Case Reports", CM Dent J, vol.38, no. 3, pp. 29-46, Sep. 2017.

Patjaree Suninhong, Chanika Manmontri "Accidental Ingestion or Aspiration of Foreign Body in Dental Treatment: Review of Literature and Case Reports." CM Dent J, vol.38, no. 3, Sep. 2017, pp. 29-46,