Effect of Waiting Interval Before Light Curing on Bond Strength of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement Under Simulated Pulp Pressure

Objectives: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of waiting interval before light curing on dentin bond strength of resin modified glass ionomer cement under simulated pulpal pressure condition.

Methods: Ninety extracted third molars were used in this study. The occlusal enamel was ground to expose a flat surface of dentin. Dental root and pulp were removed. The tooth segments were attached to pulp pressure stimulation in order to produce a pressure of 15 cmH2O at the dentine surface. The teeth were randomly assigned into 2 groups, 40 of each restorative material: Fuji II LC® and VitrebondTM Plus. Each material group was divided into 5 subgroups of waiting interval before light curing: immediate, 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-min delayed light-curing. All bonded teeth were sectioned to beam-shaped specimens at a cross-sectional area of 1 mm2 and then subjected to the microtensile bond test. The debonded specimens were determined for failure mode by scanning electron microscope (SEM). The ata were analysed by one-way ANOVA analysis, Duncan’s multiple-range test and independent t-test at the confidence level of 95%.

Results: There were significant differences among various waiting interval groups (VitrebondTM Plus p<0.001, Fuji II LC® p=0.02). For VitrebondTM Plus with 2- and 3-min delayed light-curing showed the highest microtensile bond strength. For Fuji II LC® with immediate light curing, 1- and 2-min delayed light-curing showed the highest bond strength. VitrebondTM Plus showed more significantly adhesive failure than Fuji II LC® at all waiting intervals.

Conclusions: The proper waiting intervals before light curing in RMGIs was different. In present study, the proper time to start light-curing was 2-3 min after placement for VitrebondTM Plus and immediate to 2-3 min after placement for Fuji II LC®.

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Butda P, Prasansuttiporn T, Thanatvarakorn O, Jittidecharaks S. Effect of Waiting Interval Before Light Curing on Bond Strength of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement Under Simulated Pulp Pressure: Original articles. CM Dent J [Internet]. 2018 Feb 14 [cited 2024 Sep 17];39(1):113-125. Available from: https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=133

Butda, P., Prasansuttiporn, T., Thanatvarakorn, O. & Jittidecharaks, S. (2018). Effect of Waiting Interval Before Light Curing on Bond Strength of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement Under Simulated Pulp Pressure. CM Dent J, 39(1), 113-125. Retrieved from: https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=133

Butda, P., Prasansuttiporn Taweesak,Thanatvarakorn Ornnicha and Jittidecharaks Sumana. 2018. "Effect of Waiting Interval Before Light Curing on Bond Strength of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement Under Simulated Pulp Pressure." CM Dent J, 39(1), 113-125. https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=133

Butda, P. et al. 2018. 'Effect of Waiting Interval Before Light Curing on Bond Strength of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement Under Simulated Pulp Pressure', CM Dent J, 39(1), 113-125. Retrieved from https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=133

Butda, P., Prasansuttiporn, T., Thanatvarakorn, O. and Jittidecharaks, S. "Effect of Waiting Interval Before Light Curing on Bond Strength of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement Under Simulated Pulp Pressure", CM Dent J, vol.39, no. 1, pp. 113-125, Feb. 2018.

Butda, P., Prasansuttiporn, T., Thanatvarakorn, O., et al. "Effect of Waiting Interval Before Light Curing on Bond Strength of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer Cement Under Simulated Pulp Pressure." CM Dent J, vol.39, no. 1, Feb. 2018, pp. 113-125, https://www.dent.cmu.ac.th/cmdj/frontend/web/?r=site/viewarticle&id=133