Dental CAD/CAM System and Clinical Applications

The objective of this article is to provide an overview of dental CAD/CAM system and clinical applications. As new technology and materials science have evolved, computers are increasingly becoming a part of dentistry and prosthodontics, such as CAD/CAM dentistry. There are materials for processing by CAD/CAM devices including metal, composite and ceramic. Depending on the location of the components of the CAD/CAM systems, three different production concepts are available; In-office/Chairside system, Laboratory based system and Milling center system. All CAD/CAM systems consist of three components include scanner, design software and production technology. In the clinical application, CAD/CAM generated dental restorations provide high mechanical properties and acceptable marginal gap. Low failure rate and high survival rate have also been reported. However, to date, the production of CAD/CAM systems require high investment and specialist training.

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Sitchasect W, Chaoklaiwong B. Dental CAD/CAM System and Clinical Applications: Review articles. CM Dent J [Internet]. 2018 Feb 14 [cited 2025 Feb 08];39(1):13-24. Available from:

Sitchasect, W. & Chaoklaiwong, B. (2018). Dental CAD/CAM System and Clinical Applications. CM Dent J, 39(1), 13-24. Retrieved from:

Sitchasect, W., and Boonchai Chaoklaiwong. 2018. "Dental CAD/CAM System and Clinical Applications." CM Dent J, 39(1), 13-24.

Sitchasect, W. et al. 2018. 'Dental CAD/CAM System and Clinical Applications', CM Dent J, 39(1), 13-24. Retrieved from

Sitchasect, W. and Chaoklaiwong, B. "Dental CAD/CAM System and Clinical Applications", CM Dent J, vol.39, no. 1, pp. 13-24, Feb. 2018.

Worapong Sitchasect, Boonchai Chaoklaiwong "Dental CAD/CAM System and Clinical Applications." CM Dent J, vol.39, no. 1, Feb. 2018, pp. 13-24,