Invention and Accuracy Assessment of Supplemental Surgical Devices for Converting Traditional PW Plus Drilled Set to Computer-guided Implant Surgery

Surgical drilled set that used in computer guided implant placement must be manufactured specifically which have high cost for manufacturing and importation. In addition, PW plus dental implant which produced by Thai company still is not supported by this technique. The aim of this research was to invent supplemental surgical devices that can be used to convert traditional PW plus surgical drilled set to computer guided surgery and to assess the accuracy of implant placement by using these devices in models. Methods of this study comprised of two steps. The first step was design and lathe the supplemental surgical devices composed of 5 elements including master key, pilot key, final key, expand key and implant driver key. The second step was to assess the accuracy of implant placement by these devices in 20 plastic models. Eight implants which had 3.3, 3.75, 4.2, and 5.0 mm in diameter and 12 mm in length were placed in each model. Presurgical and postsurgical CBCT images were superimposed to evaluate deviation between virtual and actual implant position by three parameters (3D linear deviation at coronal and apical part of implant and 3D angular deviation). The results showed that 3D linear deviations at coronal and apical part were 0.83 ± 0.30 and 1.13 ± 0.36 mm respectively, and angular deviation were 4.59° ± 0.49°. No statistical significance difference was found in different implant diameters (p<0.05). Considering the intrinsic error of these devices, the tolerance of metal contacting, allows for a maximum theoretical angulation error of 1.04°. The factor that affected the deviation at coronal part of implant placement by these devices was the distance between the sleeve and the entry pointed at the alveolar crest. While the length of the implant affected the deviation at apical part of implant.

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Kittisupakorn S, Jaisawang A, Chaoklaiwong B, Pisitanusorn A. Invention and Accuracy Assessment of Supplemental Surgical Devices for Converting Traditional PW Plus Drilled Set to Computer-guided Implant Surgery: Original articles. CM Dent J [Internet]. 2019 Mar 20 [cited 2024 May 10];40(1):31-45. Available from:

Kittisupakorn, S., Jaisawang, A., Chaoklaiwong, B. & Pisitanusorn, A. (2019). Invention and Accuracy Assessment of Supplemental Surgical Devices for Converting Traditional PW Plus Drilled Set to Computer-guided Implant Surgery. CM Dent J, 40(1), 31-45. Retrieved from:

Kittisupakorn, S., Jaisawang Ataya,Chaoklaiwong Boonchai and Pisitanusorn Attavit. 2019. "Invention and Accuracy Assessment of Supplemental Surgical Devices for Converting Traditional PW Plus Drilled Set to Computer-guided Implant Surgery." CM Dent J, 40(1), 31-45.

Kittisupakorn, S. et al. 2019. 'Invention and Accuracy Assessment of Supplemental Surgical Devices for Converting Traditional PW Plus Drilled Set to Computer-guided Implant Surgery', CM Dent J, 40(1), 31-45. Retrieved from

Kittisupakorn, S., Jaisawang, A., Chaoklaiwong, B. and Pisitanusorn, A. "Invention and Accuracy Assessment of Supplemental Surgical Devices for Converting Traditional PW Plus Drilled Set to Computer-guided Implant Surgery", CM Dent J, vol.40, no. 1, pp. 31-45, Mar. 2019.

Kittisupakorn, S., Jaisawang, A., Chaoklaiwong, B., et al. "Invention and Accuracy Assessment of Supplemental Surgical Devices for Converting Traditional PW Plus Drilled Set to Computer-guided Implant Surgery." CM Dent J, vol.40, no. 1, Mar. 2019, pp. 31-45,