Library Hours

Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:30pm
(Mon-Fri 8:30am-8:30pm 1 month before final exam)
(Sat-Sun 10:00am-6:00pm 1 month before final exam) Closed on Public Holidays


Showing 161-180 of 373 items.
#Cover ImageTitleYear Published
161Systematic reviews to support evidence-based medicine : how to review and apply findings of healthcare research2018
162When people come first : critical studies in global health2018
163Partner to the poor : a Paul Farmer reader2018
164Indices in Dental Epidemiology2018
165Comparative Effectiveness and Efficacy Research and Analysis for Practice (CEERAP): Applications in Health Care2018
166Medical anthropology at the intersections : histories, activisms, and futures2018
167Laser surface treatment of bio-implant materials2018
168Manual of head and neck imaging2018
169Nanotechnology in endodontics : current and potential clinical applications2018
170Remembering to live : illness at the intersection of anxiety and Knowledge in rural Indonesia2018
171Noncarious cervical lesions and cervical dentin hypersensitivity : etiology, diagnosis, and treatment2018
172Color in dentistry : a clinical guide to predictable esthetics2018
173Journal of prosthodontics on dental implants2018
174Textbook of prosthodontics2018
175Oxford handbook of oral and maxillofacial surgery2018
176ตำราการวิจัยทางคลินิก = Textbook of clinical research 2018
177RBFDPs : resin-bonded fixed dental prostheses : minimally invasive - esthetic - reliable2018
178Forensic Odontology : principle and Practice 2018
179Communication Skills for Dental Health Care Providers2018
180Complete denture prosthodontics2018