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Clinician's Guide to Salivary Gland and Chemosensory Disorders

American Academy of Oral MedicineClinician’s Guide to Salivary Gland and Chemosensory DisordersSecond EditionJune 5, 2019Michael T Brennan, DDS, MHS, EditorPhilip C Fox, DDS, PC, EditorThis monograph is intended to provide information pertaining to salivary gland and chemosensory disorders. Areas such as xerostomia, salivary gland disfunction, Sjogren’s Syndrome, hypersalivation, halitosis, and chemosensory disorders will be covered. The information in this guide will be useful in a private office, as well as in an institutional setting.

edited by Michael T. Brennan


RC 815.5 C641 2019

January 20, 2019