Library Hours

Mon-Fri 8:30am-6:30pm
(Mon-Fri 8:30am-8:30pm 1 month before final exam)
(Sat-Sun 10:00am-6:00pm 1 month before final exam) Closed on Public Holidays

Management of dental emergencies in children and adolescents / edited by Klaus W Neuhaus, Adrian Lussi

Developmental and histological aspects of deciduous and young permanent teeth -- Pulp biology of deciduous and permanent teeth -- Management of odontogenic infections : indications for antibiotics -- Management of pain and fear in children and adolescents : behavioural management -- Anaesthesia, sedation -- Management of radiographic needs in children and adolescents -- Deep carious lesions and the dental pulp -- Management of crown fractures and crown-root-fractures management of root fractures -- Pulpotomy after trauma -- Pulpectomy with open apex -- Regenerative endodontic procedures -- Pulpotomy -- Pulpectomy of primary teeth -- Tooth extraction -- Reconstructive considerations : temporary and long-term treatment options -- Management of avulsed teeth -- Autotransplantation : ankylosis and external root resorption after trauma -- Orthodontic aspects of missing teeth at various ages -- Viral causes affecting the oral mucosa -- Non-infective swellings : cysts, tumors, ranulas -- Oral problems in patients undergoing haematology or oncology treatment -- Clinical management of teeth affected by molar-incisor-hypomineralisation (MIH) -- Dentine hypersensitivity in children and adolescents -- Cracked tooth syndrome



RK 51.5 M266 2019

July 25, 2019